Multigenerational living has gained prominence over the last decade. Notably, the Australian Bureau of Statistics predicts that there will be more than 781,000 multigenerational homes in the country by 2036. The reasons for such growth are diverse and range from unaffordable housing for the young to the increased risk of isolation of the ageing population. That said, converting a fully built house to a multigenerational home is often impractical. That is why you should hire a custom home builder to help you design a multigenerational home. This article highlights areas of concern when planning for a multigenerational household.


The primary concern for multigenerational families is privacy. Kids, grandchildren, parents, and grandparents all need some level of privacy, although they live in the same house. For instance, imagine running into your mother-in-law as you head to the bathroom in a towel. The thought of experiencing such an issue can be unsettling. Therefore, it is better to build separate bathrooms so that residents do not have to share. An ideal kitchen plan for a multigenerational home is a large central kitchen on the ground floor for all residents and a smaller kitchenette for residents on the upper floor. A multigenerational family is much more likely to lead a happy life as long as residents have their privacy.

Separate Entryways

The residents of a multigenerational home have different schedules, and it is crucial to observe and respect everyone's routine. For instance, if you work a night shift, the last thing you want is to wake up everybody as you grapple with the door keys early in the morning. Therefore, talk to your custom home builder about including separate entryways in your multigenerational home. Residents living in the upper floors can, for instance, use the backdoor while those occupying the ground floor can use the front door. It will make everyone feel like they have their own space although they live under the same roof.

Room-by-Room Temperature Control

Although a centralised temperature control system is standard in most homes, it cannot meet the varying temperature needs of a multigenerational household. For example, a thermostat is usually set low in extreme summer temperatures. However, while the children might be comfortable with such low settings, the grandparents might struggle. The reason is that low-temperature settings affect the older generation differently compared to the younger generation. Therefore, a custom home builder should provide room-by-room temperature control so that the young and the elderly can keep their spaces at optimal temperatures.
