Your chain link fencing can only offer protection when it is in good condition. Below are steps that will ensure your chain link fence lasts longer.

Ensure proper drainage around the fence

Deep concrete foundations are necessary when putting up a chain link fence. This is because they ensure the line posts which hold the entire fence are firm in the ground. It is necessary to create a drainage system which prevents water from accumulating around the posts. In places with poor drainage, the foundations will take in water and will become weak over time. Eventually, the foundation will not be able to support the weight of the fence and will collapse. Such problems are easily avoided by facilitating proper drainage systems.

Take immediate action when rust is detected

Chain link fences are made of stainless steel, which does not easily rust. However, if the fence is in an industrial area, there might be various chemicals in the air which will eventually cause it to rust. How you react when rust is detected determines whether or not the fence will serve you for much longer. Once you detect any rust on the surface of the chain link fence, you can use a mixture of water and baking soda to clean the area. In case the rust is extensive, you can take out the segment of the fence and replace it to prevent further damage. As such, it is necessary to have regular checks along the length of the chain link fence to ensure there is no rust on the surface.

Use the recommended posts

When you are putting up a chain link fence, multiple posts are needed. These include line post and terminal posts. Always ensure that you use the recommended line posts throughout the length of the fence. Although they can be costly, avoid using cheaper alternatives like wooden posts. These are not durable and the fence can collapse after several months. However, steel posts are durable and the fence can last for several years.

You should also ensure that you do not confuse the line post and the terminal posts. The terminal posts are slightly thicker and this enables them to support the weight of the gate. Line posts, on the other hand, are thinner and cannot provide proper support for the gate. Using the line posts as terminal posts will, therefore, lead to the collapse of the gate and the sections of the fence around the gate.
